Home ✔Naija HB Special How to Start a Radio Station in Nigeria in 7 Easy-to-Follow Steps

How to Start a Radio Station in Nigeria in 7 Easy-to-Follow Steps

Starting a radio station in Nigeria

Are you interested in knowing how to own a radio station in Nigeria? It is not so difficult, but a lot more rigorous compared to other business startups in Nigeria.

A radio station is a medium through which information is disseminated from one location to another; furthermore, radio stations provide a unique means of entertainment from talk shows, comedy, music, etc.

The use of radio stations for the dissemination and broadcast of information is still very much alive despite the availability of several other means of communication in recent times.

There are two ways to launch a radio station in Nigeria. It could be online, that makes use of streaming services; or offline, that makes use of transmitters. Each option comes at a unique cost.

Compared to an offline one, an online one is much cheaper and easier to setup. In most cases, though, radio stations make use of both online and offline means of broadcast since they both complement each other.

Regardless of the one you intend to start, this guide provides a breakdown of what equipment, structures, and licenses you’ll need to acquire.

Equipment needed to start a radio station:

  • Antenna: Antennas are used along with radio receivers.
  • Audio playback devices: These could be cassettes, CDs, DVDs, or as in modern time, the use of computers in conjunction with mass storage devices.
  • Audio processors: Audio processors a devices used for the purpose of electronic manipulation of audio signals. It is widely used as a means for boosting the quality of audio signals. In recent times, computer software have proved sufficient in carrying out such tasks.
  • Cable: You’ll need audio cables of various kinds to link the components of your broadcast studio to each other.
  • Mixer: Mixers are electronic appliances used for the purpose of combining multiple audio signals and controlling how they sound; using a mixer, you can regulate features like level and equalization. DJs (disk jockeys) are usually in charge of the operation of mixers.
  • Receiver: In radio communications, receivers are electronic devices that receive radio waves and converts the information carried by them to a usable forms.
  • Speakers: With the aid of speakers you’ll be able to hear and monitor the quality of your broadcastThere are specially designed speakers for the purpose of music studios that can produce the most accurate representation of the signals transmitting from your radio station.
  • Transmission lines: Transmission lines are specialized cables or other structures designed with the aim of conducting alternating current of radio frequency. For example, from the FM Transmitter to the FM Antenna.
  • Transmitters: A set of equipment that will be used to generate and transmit electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals produced at your radio station.

The list above are all offline radio-related electrical appliances. Other needs may include, but are not limited to: computers, microphones, power hubs, steady electricity, and buildings (control rooms).

To launch an online radio station presence, you may not need a few of the appliances above, as your hosting company takes care of several transmission related component.

All you basically need are: a laptop, complete headset (earpiece & mouthpiece), audio software (Winamp, Edcast, icecast2, etc.), and audio streaming servers (you’ll find free and paid options out there).

Now that you know the basic equipment needed to setup both an online and offline radio station, let’s move on to other things you’ll need.

7 Steps needed to start a radio station in Nigeria:

Step 1: Carryout a market survey

You wouldn’t want to dive into buying the equipment above without first carrying out market survey on what it would cost to get the best quality devices; that way, you’ll not get stranded along the line.

It will be difficult to state categorically how much all of those radio station equipment cost, as price difference range with quality, company make and sizes.

Step 2: Acquire your structure & equipment

Depending on your budget and the size of your intended radio broadcasting station, you might need more than just one each of the equipment previously listed.

Furthermore, you’ll need several control rooms, studios, offices, etc. where transmission of several programs, talk shows, and other intended activities will take place.

Step 3: Get professionals to install your broadcast equipment

You’ll need to hire helping hands of professional radio station engineers to carry out all necessary installations.

You could make inquiries from already established radio stations in your neighborhood on where to find professionals fit for the job.

Step 4: Employ all necessary personnel & Staff

Meanwhile, you’ll need to several employees depending on how large you intend to start. Important staffers to employ are, but are not limited to: presenters, DJs, engineers, marketers, journalists, security officers, production managers, etc.

You need all the hands you can get in order to guarantee effective production and a good head start.

Step 5: Get a CAC & NBC license

First and foremost, you’ll need to register your radio station as company (corporate entity) with CAC (Corporate Affairs Commissions); thereafter, you’ll forward an application to NBC (Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation). All registrations come at an extra-cost.

In summary, you can obtain registration form at CAC for ₦50, 000; while registration with NBC may cost you to the tone of ₦20, 000, 000 for category A locations, and ₦15, 000, 000 for category B locations. Renewals is set at ₦5,000,000 and ₦4,000,000 for category A and B respectively.

Portharcourt, Lagos & Abuja are classified as Category A; while other states and locations in Nigeria are classified as Category B.

All licenses are valid for 5 years only and you must make renewals on or before 6 months to the expiration of your previous license.

A broadcast license from NBC is extremely important. Without it NBC reserves the right to shut down your radio station at any time.

Step 6: Begin transmission

Once you have your license, equipment, staffers and every other thing in place, then you can begin to publish live on air as soon as possible.

Step 7: Publicize and reach out

Although people can tune their radio sets and discover your newly launched station, you might want to put in some extra funds into advertisement and reach outs to get the head start your business needs.

How much it costs to start and register a radio station in Nigeria:

Putting all costs into consideration, you may be required to fork out several millions, maybe ₦30 000 000 to ₦ 50, 000, 000 to start an FM radio station in Nigeria; the cost could be a lot higher depending on how large you intend to start.

Price varies with location, size of radio station, and number of employees.

There you have it in brief what it entails to own and register a radio station in Nigeria.

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  1. Please, do an online radio station require registration and certification by NBC?
    Also, can a radio station precisely online radio station, be a registered company or a registered business (enterprise)?

  2. Is it mandatory to obtain the NBC license immediately or is there ultimatum, 15 million naira is much , one may like to start then settle the bill after a year of operation

    • Many radio stations operate for a while before obtaining NBC license; however, it isn’t advisable to do so. But if you’re certainly going to settle the bill within a year of operation, then you might be lucky not to face any legal cases before then.


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