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Top Ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria


Before migrating out of Nigeria, you should know the best countries that will favour you and your purpose for travelling. So in this article, we will be telling you the top ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria.

Apparently, the situation of Nigeria is not favourable and Nigeria, with all due respect, is unarguably one of the worst countries across the globe.

Whether in the aspect of security; employment, electricity, good roads; food security, economy and all you could think of, Nigeria has been on the worse sides of all the world’s ranking.

Therefore, it should not be a surprise that many ambitious Nigerian youths always look for opportunities to run away from Nigeria; whether in search of a good education; good jobs or basic amenities.

Whatever the case may be, you should not be so quick to leave the country without getting good information about the country you are running (migrating) to.

Afterall, it is said, the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.

So, it is advisable you feed yourself with all the neccessary information before leaving the country.

Therefore, we have taken out time to bring to you top ten best countries you can migrate to from Nigeria.

We will also be giving our reasons for naming them as better choices for immigrants.

Things to look out for when migrating

Some of the things you should take into consideration before choosing a country is their official language.

If the official language is not English, are you ready to learn a new language? otherwise, how long will you survive in a country where you don’t understand their language? — and they don’t understand yours.

Another thing you should consider is their population and employment rate. Also consider how much welcoming they are to visitors and migrants.

Furthermore, security and cost of living should be paramount.

Ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria

1. Canada

Taking into consideration the high quality of living, quality education and basic healthcare, Canada rank number one on this list.

The Official language in Canada is English and French. It is one of the most immigration-friendly nations in the world and the United Nations ranked it as one of the best countries to live in.

Canada is the second largest country in the world and is home to about 37 million people.

If you are a skilled person, you can immigrate to Canada either by federal express entry migration system or through the provincial nomination system. 

It takes 3 years of being a permanent resident in Canada to become a Canadian citizen; having filed your taxes.

 vancouver, canada

2. New Zealand

This South island country is another English speaking country. It has less than 5 million people and is one of the happiest countries to find oneself.

As a skilled person, you will be able to immigrate to New Zealand. Some of the advantages of New Zealand is the high quality of living, good education, and low unemployment rates.

Moreover, the south island Alps, beaches and world of sports makes the place very conducive for a nature lover and fun-loving person.

It takes 5 years to become a Kiwi( New Zealand citizen) and once you are a New Zealander, you get the opportunity to move to Australia.

New Zealand North Island Auckland
New Zealand Auckland Ferry building on Prince Wharf

3. Australia

Australia is the third country on our list of top ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria. Its official language is English Language.

Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. Nearly 25 million people from different cultures live in Australia, mostly in the largest cities like Sydney and Melbourne.

You can immigrate to Australia as a skilled migrant with or without State sponsorship. You can also opt for regional locations.

An Australian citizen is called an Aussie. You can become an Aussie citizen within 4 years.

School education and basic healthcare are free for permanent residents and just so you know, voting in election is mandatory for citizens.

The only barrier or hitch migrating to Australia will pose to Nigerians is the distance. Otherwise, Australia is one of the best places to migrate to.

Given the country’s high search for labourers, unemployment will not be an issue, so long as you are skilled.

City Skyline of Sydney, Australia.

4. Singapore

This is an Asian country and there are about five official languages spoken there, they are English, Malay, Tamil, Standard Mandarin and Mandarin Chinese.

Singapore is an island and global financial centre of Asia continent with less than 6 million people and the country has a very high standard of living.

You need an employment permit to get started in Singapore and it can take up to 10 years to become a citizen of Singapore.

If you would like to launch your own startup, you can set up your company and get an entry pass to start living in Singapore.

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

5. Ireland

There are two Official languages spoken in Ireland. they are are English and Irish.

Ireland is a small country with 4.5 million people and is one of the countries in Europe with lots of technical job opportunities.

So if you are a technical person, within two years you can get permanent resident status in Ireland. But for non-technical, it takes 5 years.

You can also become an Irish citizen. the good news is that if you are an entrepreneur, you can apply for a start-up visa.

There is also low tax rates. So if you are looking for a country with low tax rates, then look no more, Ireland is there for you.

ha’penny bridge, dublin, Ireland

6. Sweden

Sweden has been ranked as the world’s best country for immigrants. In fact, it is supposed to be in our top five; but for the language barrier.

However, if you can find your way around the language situation, maybe you are a language enthusiast that can quickly learn a new language, then there is nothing stopping you from migrating to Ireland — Except your visa of course.

The official language spoken in Sweden is Swedish. Although it is not an English speaking country, it is still one of the best countries in the Nordic region having 10 million people.

Sweden’s decision to take in large numbers of refugees had seen its society diversify as migrants account for about 10 percent of its 9.8 million population.

You need a work permit from an employer to start-up in Sweden and it takes 5 years to citizenship in Sweden.

The Bridge, Ireland

7. United Arab Emirate (UAE)

Although the official language in UAE is Arabic, the government has recognized the high proportion of foreigners and so English has been the second language for many years now.

Moreover, UAE is a tax-free nation and has a very low crime rate. It attracts people from all over the world to become its residents.

UAE is an oil-rich country, has a dynamic economy and boasts of low corruption rate making it a desirable destination for relocation.

8. Switzerland

The Official languages in Switzerland are French, German, Italian and Romansh so if you are an aspiring immigrant and you are ready to learn a new language, then Switzerland is a go-go for you.

You should know at least one of the four official languages. French, German, Italian and Romansh. The prominent one being German.

Switzerland with a population of 8.5 million people is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.

It had good quality of life and low unemployment rates. It takes 10 years to be a citizen of Switzerland.

9. Netherlands

The official language spoken in Netherland is Dutch. However, Almost 93% of Dutch speak English so you may not find it too hard to blend well.

Netherland is one of the best locations in Europe for technical and non-technical people.

You need an employment permit to start in the Netherlands or you can get a self-employed resident permit.

It takes 5 years to get Dutch citizenship and this country does not permit dual citizenships.

So you have to renounce your country in order to be a citizen in the Netherlands  — Quick question: As a Nigerian what will it be? will you renounce Nigeria to be a citizen of Netherland if given the opportunity?

Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Netherlands

10. Germany

The tenth on our list of top ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria is Germany.

The official language in Germany is German. Again if you can overcome the language barrier then you can start applying for your visa now.

The country has a population of 82 million people and a very sound economy (arguably the country with the strongest economy in Europe).

Moreover, you can get 6 months job seeker visa to start searching for jobs in Germany.

If you are highly qualified with a professional master or PhD, your chance of securing a job is pretty much easier than those with only b.sc (Although this depends on luck).

You can become a German citizen in 33 months if you have a EU blue card or 6 years with German-language score or 8 years residence.


Now that you know the top ten best countries to migrate to from Nigeria before you make a move to travel, you need to know much about the destination you are travelling to.

Understand how their system operates – their economy culture, and life in general. This should help you in the decision-making process or the choice of destination.

More so, don’t just travel out because everyone is travelling.

Ensure you have a purpose for travelling Outline your purpose and travel plans. Be intentional about everything even before you begin processing it.

Of course you know that getting a visa to most of these countries is not as easy as reading and understanding this article.

However, if you are bent on migrating you will strive to get the visa.

Otherwise, you can visit visa-free countries first. Then getting visas for these other countries may not be very hard to get from some of the visa-free countries.

At least not as hard to get as it is from Nigeria.

To know the countries you can visit without a visa, check our post, ‘Countries Nigerians can visit without a visa’.

We hope this article was helpful.



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